
Do you know what is better than one doctor in the house? Two!!! I could not be more proud of my dear friend Michelle. She is a superwoman that not only got her doctorate, she did it during a pandemic with her daughter home 24-7, and a new puppy to boot! I can’t tell you how fun it was to take photos of two robed Doctors! Everyone yelling their congrats! Such a cool experience!


so back to blogging/quarantine day 1...

We are currently in COVID 19 craziness! That means we are basically quarantined to our houses home schooling our kiddos. It’s scary and confusing, but being stuck at home is great for getting a creative to kick into high gear. I’m doing a quarantine series to keep my sanity in check, along with giving this site a much needed facelift. Here’s to momentum! quarantine

Quarentine Day one

Photo a week

For 2017, I'm taking a photo a week of Ellie and Henry.  Here's what has been going on in our 2017 so far...

week 1

henry 1/52 New Year's day

henry 1/52 New Year's day

elliott 1/52 happy birthday marky!

elliott 1/52 happy birthday marky!

week 2

henry 2/52 rain all week!

henry 2/52 rain all week!

elliott 2/52 puddle jumper

elliott 2/52 puddle jumper

week 3

3/52 gymnastics review

3/52 gymnastics review

3/52 hey there!

3/52 hey there!

week 4

henry 4/52 color run aftermath

henry 4/52 color run aftermath

elliott 4/52 happy 3 little girl!

elliott 4/52 happy 3 little girl!

week 5

henry 5/52 bit by the film bug

henry 5/52 bit by the film bug

elliott 5/52 bit by the mermaid bug

elliott 5/52 bit by the mermaid bug